I'd had this insane crush on this guy I work with
since I met him, we had instant chemistry, everyone saw it....everyone
but him that is. It started in March, a little innocent flirting here
and there, there was even mention of a threesome once....well that
continued on for way too long, before I knew it, it was summer, and I
was falling in love with him. I admitted my feelings to him, and even
though I knew he felt the same way, and everyone else did too, he
wouldn't admit it.....everyone from work went out on thursday night, and
he gave me a ride home that night, I tried to get him to take me to his
house instead but he just kept saying ' I have a girlfriend' and some
other tired excuses.....so I accepted defeat for the night....saturday
night, a friend of mine invited me to a party that one of our co-workers
was having, I got all dressed up, expecting him to be there, I waited
and waited.....I finally gave up and was almost ready to leave when he
walked in the door.....I was so excited, but the thought that I was
going to have sex with him that night never came to mind.....
Everyone was sitting around talking, he kept looking over at me....it
was driving me crazy, all I wanted to do was to go outside and make out
with him.....then one of the guys brought up the subject of me and him,
and how much we liked each other and that we should just fuck each other
and get it over with...... I was a bit shocked, but I looked over at
him to see his response, he was sitting in a chair his legs spread
apart, like he was waiting for me to get between them and suck his
dick......I could feel my aching pussy getting soaked at the thought of
fucking him. he began to use his excuses ' I don't have any condoms' one
of the guys got up and told him to go with him, while he was gone I
revealed to everyone else that I was in fact a virgin, a fact that my
guy already knew...he came back, condoms in hand....and all the guys
were cheering him on, he looked at me and said 'are you sure you wanna
do this?'
'oh yes' I said, I got up and walked toward him, we went toward the
bedroom, unfortunately it was occupied.....instead of giving up, he
decided the next best place would be the back of his jeep, it sounded
kinda hot to me, so I went for it....he took the backseat out, and we
got in and drove around looking for a good secluded spot. By now it was
around 3am, there was no one out....we drove through a few
neighborhoods, I didn't like any of the spots he suggested, but the
anticipation was killing me so finally we came across a deserted parking
lot, we jumped in the back, and took off our clothes, he looked at me
and said 'god I love your tits hanging out like that' he asked me one
more time ' are you sure you want to do this?' I grabbed his cock and
said ' I've never wanted anything more' and then I started stroking his
cock, making it hard, I sucked him off for awhile, and licked his balls
nice and slow, he was purring like a tiger, he loved it, he stopped me
and told me to get on top of him, I happily obliged, I stratled him and
put my hands on the roof and rode him nice and hard,he grabbed my tits
and massaged them roughly, it felt so good, we had that jeep rocking.
after I had cummed twice, he got on top of me and fucked me so hard I
had tears in my eyes, after we both cummed, I thought we were done, we
just lay beside each other, when he asked me if I wanted to fuck again, I
put another condom on him, and got back on top of him he made me cum 3
more times before we finally got interrupted, our phones started
ringing, everyone was wondering where we were, the sun was starting to
come up, so we decided to finish up. we put our clothes back on and
started back to the party. He put his arm around me, I rested my head on
his shoulder and nuzzled his neck. he said 'your not a virgin anymore
babe' we then made plans to fuck the next day, and decided to just be
fuck buddies for now.....but then word got out at work about us, and he
freaked out.....he blamed me, even though it was my friend who told
everyone.....we haven't fucked since, but I'm hoping we will soon.
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that night, and
every time I see his jeep in the parking lot, the memories of that night
come back to me.....I still love him, even though we haven't talked in
months....he still looks at me the same way.....I've messed around with a
couple guys since but there's no comparison to him, I just wish I
could get another chance to fuck him
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